What we do

The Vending 21 Club normally meets twice a year, in the spring and autumn.

Traditionally we meet at the historic and prestigious Royal Air Force Club on Piccadilly in London.

Included in our meetings is a three-course luncheon in one of this fine clubs’ private dining rooms.

Meeting old colleagues, reminiscing, networking and generally having a relaxing afternoon with fellow industry professionals is the main purpose.

Our AGM has been held prior to our April luncheon though in recent years we have switched this to a remote format.

Qualification for membership is open to anyone, you simply need to have had a minimum of 21 years’ experience in the vending industry.

A luncheon tradition is circulation of the Jon Hill Cup, whereby we have donated thousands of pounds to charitable causes over the years.

Our 2025 dinner dates are: 9th April & 16th October