The Vending 21 Club - Autumn/Winter Newsletter

November 2023

Firstly, an apology that it’s been about twelve months since I last did a newsletter. Time seems to have run away with me and other pressures (Yes, I know I’m retired) have got in the way this year.

Well, what a wonderful luncheon we had on October 17th at the RAF club. Forty people in attendance including five members guests. We had an update from Colin Bell on his recent exploits to fundraise he also brought along Hanna Bower, a senior manager from the RAF Benevolent Fund.

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Hanna, who introduced herself as Colins number ninety-nine from his harem! updated us on how the money that we raise at our lunches is used by the fund. It certainly highlighted the need for the fund and showed the great work that they do. Hanna is working with us and she is hoping to bring an ambassador from the fund at our next luncheon. Its not often that our audience is as quiet and attentive and her presence certainly hit home as we raised £733 from the John Hill cup Autumn Lunch, a record amount and when we add the £370 from April’s lunch, we were able to donate £1103.00 to the RAF Benevolent Fund.

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Colin Bell, our ‘young’ honorary member, seen here after the luncheon in the Running Horse bar with Rick and Roger regaled us with his recent exploits to raise money for the charities that he supports. Colin told us about his walking with Randolf Churchill and amazed us with his abseil from the helipad down the seventeen stories at The Royal London Hospital. This event made the 6pm and 10pm national BBC news and this remarkable achievement got him into the Guinness Book of Records. He then decided to update us on his next exploit which is a solo parachute jump! Yes! Solo! and knowing Colin he will persuade the authorities to let him do it.

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This prompted a couple of members to volunteer to accompany Colin on this exploit!!

Anyone who is brave enough to want to do the parachute jump with Colin can you please let me know? I will collate the numbers and liaise with Colin as to where and when. Yes, we will let you have a parachute and the training if you volunteer!!

As we are all aware inflation has been running at around the 10% mark for many months and this has been reflected in our luncheon costs. Next year we also going to be facing a room hire charge from the RAF, something that has been in place for over twelve months but so far, we have avoided the charge because we book the events so far ahead. The impact for next year is that we will have to raise the annual membership charge by £10.00 for both full and retired members for 2024 to cover the extra costs.

At a recent committee meeting we discussed the possibility of altering the membership charge to a lower amount and then charging members to attend each luncheon with some of the annual charge being allowed against one of the luncheons.

At the moment a member who cannot make the April Luncheon still has to pay the full amount to attend the October Luncheon. The committee would welcome members feedback on this idea as it will be raised at the AGM next April.

We will also be talking websites in the future and if anyone has any ideas on what we should be doing in this area do come back to me.

Finally, we still have a few spaces for new members and so if you know anyone who has served in our industry for over 21 years then let us have their details and we can send them details and an invitation on your behalf.

Dates for your diary:

16th April 2024 Online AGM
18th April 2024 Spring Luncheon
17th October 2024 Autumn Luncheon

8th April 2025 Online AGM
10th April 2025 Spring Luncheon