Rules and Constitution of the Vending 21 Club
(Revised 1985, 1987, 1992,1994, 1995, 2002, 2019, 2020, 2024)
- The Club shall be called ‘The Vending 21 Club’
- Membership shall be limited to those who have been engaged wholly in vending or whose occupation has involved them in a major vending activity for at least 21 years*. Applications for membership must have a Proposer and Seconder and the unanimous approval of the Committee before acceptance.
- The objective of the Club is to maintain social contact between members.
- The club shall have a President and be governed by an elected Committee of four members, plus an Honorary Treasurer. Five will form a quorum. Committee Members and Officers will serve for four years, retiring in rotation. The Honorary Chair will remain in office for as long as they feel able and willing to do so.
- After initial membership acceptance and payment of a joining fee and the first year’s subscription, future subscriptions will be agreed at the Annual General Meeting and fall due on January 1st each year. Members who subscriptions fall overdue for a period of two consecutive years will forfeit membership.
- Subscriptions should be paid by bank transfer and email confirmation sent to the Honorary Treasurer. A balance sheet will be prepared each year by the Honorary Treasurer and circulated to members.
- Members numbers are limited to one hundred Members resident in the UK and a further twenty-five Oversees members.
There will be two categories of membership: Members and Tanners. Honorary Membership can be granted by the committee. Senior members who have retired from the industry can apply to become Tanners. - In the event of the club ceasing to function as such, all monies remaining shall be donated to a benevolent fund which the members so nominate.
- Members may bring guests to a lunch. The guest must be eligible as per rule 2. The cost will be covered by the member. The member will be responsible for the guests conduct at all times. The guest can then apply for membership in the normal way. A non-member can only come to one lunch as a guest. The only exception is for our Honorary Members who may bring a charity guest speaker.
*Definition of ‘Vending’ as used in clause 2. ‘Vending means the automatic dispensing and selling of merchandise where an integral part of the automatic dispenser is cash or cash substitute, acceptor or validator, giving an electrical or mechanical authorisation for the sale.
** Definition of ‘Tanners’ as used in clause 7. ‘Tanners’ applies to senior members who are inactive but have elected to join the senior group to stay in contact and membership.