Good day all and whilst a little late, Happy New Year to you all.
So, we are at that time of year when the nights start to draw out, virus levels drop, it starts to get warmer and spring is just around the corner. That must mean that the Vending 21 Club Spring luncheon is due!!
I can happily announce that the April 28th Luncheon arrangements are taking place and we will be meeting on April 28th I will be sending out the formal notice in a few days’ time. Please make sure that you have paid your 2022 subscriptions as this allows you to attend the April luncheon.
The AGM has always been held at 11.30am prior to the spring lunch being held, this has now been discontinued. Last year we experimented with putting the AGM online and it attracted more members, it also allowed us to spend a lot more time on the agenda and work through all the subjects. For these reasons we have now agreed that the AGM will be permanently online.
An invitation to join a Zoom meeting will be sent to all members to join us, date and time to be advised.
Honorary Treasurer
In the last Newsletter John Stott announced that he wished to retire from being our Honorary
Treasurer, a position that he has held for nearly ten years.
I am pleased to announce that we have managed to recruit Mike Gardner as Johns replacement. John has agreed to work with Mike over the next twelve months to make sure that there is a seamless handover to Mike. Please join me in thanking Mike for agreeing to take on this honorary position within the Vending 21 Club.
A huge welcome to all our new members, to those that attended their first luncheon last October we hope to see you again in April and to those that have joined since October we are really looking forward to you joining us for your first lunch on April 28th.
We now have an active membership of eighty plus three tanners and one oversees member. In the last 12 months eighteen new members have joined us, two have returned. Congratulations to the recruitment team and to the members who have nominated new members.
Bring a guest Scheme
Do you know someone who qualifies with twenty-one years’ experience who would like to take advantage of the guest scheme?
Members may bring guests to a lunch. The current cost is £75.00 will be covered by the member. The member will be responsible for the guests conduct at all times. Should the guest then apply for and be accepted into membership within three months of the lunch the cost of the lunch will be put towards their joining fee. The lunch that the member attended as a guest will be considered as their first lunch.
The bring a guest scheme has successfully seen our five guests who attended the October lunch convert to new members with the first two of what we hope will be many new lady members joining us. It’s a great way to show prospective members the friendliness and camaraderie of the club and that the perception portrayed by the vending press a few years ago was totally unfounded.
Colin Bell
Last October we finally got to celebrate the centenary of our Honorary member Colin Bell, albeit we were a little late holding it in October but I know Colin thoroughly enjoyed the day. On March 5th Colin with celebrate his 101st birthday and he has set up a birthday charity page for Hospital in the Weald if you wish to donate, please go to
Lunch Dates for your diary:
Luncheon Dates
Thursday April 28th 2022
Thursday October 13th 2022
Thursday April 20th 2023
Thursday October 19th 2023
Roger Bunn
Honorary Secretary
February 2022